Monday, June 16, 2008

Mixing It Up for Good Results

This past Saturday was my third time on my bike this summer. The first and second times were on the beach. I really don't count one of them as a "workout," because I couldn't ride hard and fast. It was mostly a mode of transportation to get from parking to the beach. During the other one, I was able to ride some sprints, so that was an okay first bike workout for the season.

Even though my bike needed to be serviced before taking it out again, I had the opportunity to ride this weekend, since I didn't work, and could not pass it up. It's been a while since I've had a Sat/Sun weekend! A friend from Savannah was visiting, so we hit the Silver Comet Trail for twenty (miles). It was fantastic! I could have done thirty!

What I especially want to tell you about, though, is the workout system my friend brought with him for me to review. It is Tony Horton's 12 workout CD and nutrition program called Extreme Body Workout. I want to share my two experiences with two of the workouts. On Saturday, we followed our bike ride with an hour stretch led by Tony. Many of the stretches he led us through are taught in yoga classes as well. On Sunday, we completed a 75 minute yoga session. The stretch CD was extremely beneficial, and the yoga session was challenging and awesome. The combination of these weekend workouts was just enough to make me appreciate muscles in my body and rendered recuperation for today.

I added the web site to my list, so you can research the information. I am not trying to convince you to purchase it, but if you want to work out at home, this is an affordable and challenging workout plan that I honestly believe will give you results quicker than you can imagine.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Why I Think We Should Move Our Bodies

Oh, not another one! is what I hope you are NOT thinking right now. There are many sites on the internet today that charge fees for the same purpose I created this venue. Additionally, there are countless others that sell diets, exercise programs, weight-loss programs, and exercise fad-like programs. To add more confusion, we are inundated with survey and research project results that sometimes contradict each other as well as their own previous "findings!"

Fitness and health information overload can be confusing and frustrating to people who are looking for a diet and exercise plan that will work for them. Basically, I think you have to be patient, try a number of things that interest you, and find what works best for your body and your lifestyle. So . . . What I hope to do here is (1) provide information about eating and exercise plans based on my years of personal experience and knowledge and (2) create an open, motivating and supportive information sharing environment that encourages others to do the same so we can enjoy healthy living.

The General State of Fitness
We honestly do not need anyone to tell us what the general state of fitness in America is today. All we need to do is look around at the mall, the grocery store, the beach, and anywhere you see people. The cost of insurance and medications, along with paunchy bellies and super wide rear ends are blatant evidence to support the fact. Despite all the fitness and healthy diet information right at our fingertips, many of us are not motivated to live a healthy life style.

Most of us want a quick fix, but a quick fix weight loss plan or even lyposuction typically does not provide long-term benefits. You really do have to Move Your Body and eat the foods that are going to keep you at a healthy weight for optimum fitness.

What Do I Know About It?
Right here I want to say that though I think I could stand to lose a few pounds and firm up a little more, I am more physically fit than many people younger than me. As we age, our bodies are changed by things that are out of our control, such as gravity, and I am certainly experiencing that! It's true, but that is no reason to be sendentary; rather, it should be a motivator!

I want to say here, also, that though I am a certified group fitness instructor, I am not a certified personal trainer; however, my knowledge and experience has provided me the opportunity to train others in the past as well as design beneficial eating plans. It's unfortunate that even today many people mistake the word diet as a temporary eating plan rather than its true definition of "food and drink habitually consumed." When someone says, "I need to go on a diet" what they really should be saying is, "I need to change my diet."

The picture I have posted was taken during the 1993 Eastern Seaboard Bodybuilding Competition. It was my first competition, and if nothing in my life taught me discipline and focus, preparing for this competition did. It was one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences I've ever had.

We come up with all kinds of reasons not to work out and why we overeat. I, too, need motivational input and support to help stay on track with diet and exercise. Like everyone, my life is packed full. A demanding career, school, and more make it a challenge to overcome the obstacles and reasons I use to excuse myself from staying on track. That's why I think it's beneficial to have some type of support in our pursuit to get and stay healthy.

Please feel free to ask any questions you like about those topics or my personal experiences and struggles with trying to maintain a healthy life style.

Better than that, please offer any insight or information about your own fitness pursuits, experiences, struggles, etc., you feel will benefit others.